Sunday, May 16, 2010

You know you can't sing when...

So this week Kynzi was sitting in her high chair singing La La La to the tune of the ABC's. After I was done applauding her performance (as she demanded I do) she said "Mommy's turn!" About five seconds into my beautiful rendition of La La La La La she says "Mommy sing better". I was not sure I heard her correctly so I asked her what she just said. She then proceeded to tell me "to do better mommy!".

You know you can't sing when your two and a half year old tells you that you suck! Oh well, at least I can teach her how to play the piano!

1 comment:

  1. Jen! What a beautiful little girl you have! I just found your blog and am excited to keep up to date with you at by checking in here and seeing your adorable pictures! I'm so glad you are doing well! I wish you ALL the best! I moved to Heber but call me anytime! My number is the same. Hugs, Kelsee Brady Bradshaw
